Container Apps

Azure Container Apps – pricing [part 2]

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Azure Container Apps – pricing will be discussed in this article, as a part of Azure Container Apps services. You may view all of the series’ articles here. I will compare prices against the Azure App Service, but firstly let’s focus on the pricing tier in Azure Container Apps. So we have two tiers: Consumption and Dedicated, look at the table below: Feature Consumption Dedicated Free workload Yes No Network […]

Container Apps / Terraform

Azure Container Apps – Creating using Terraform [part 1]

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Azure Container Apps – Creating using Terraform, which used to be challenging. Why? Because a lot of tasks required the usage of the notoriously difficult-to-use AzApi, we recently began to be able to develop Azure Container Apps utilizing only resources from the AzureRM provider. This is wonderful news! All sources are included in this article and are available for download. Enjoy! Let’s begin with the developed architecture: Azure Container Apps […]

KeyVault / Terraform

Azure KeyVault – RBAC as a security best practice

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Azure KeyVault – RBAC as a security best practice. For those who are new to this, I hope this essay will guide you in authorizing access to Azure KeyVault. In KeyVault, there are currently two methods for specifying access to the data plane (secrets, certificates, and keys). Please see the table below: Feature Access policy RBAC Grant access to secrets/certificates/keys yes yes Grant access to specific secret/certificate/key no yes Use […]

Api Management / App Service / Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / SQL

Deploy Azure App Service integrated with Azure SQL and APIM

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In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to deploy the .NET 7.0 Rest API with Managed Identity and integrate it with Azure SQL. As a result, you can access Azure SQL without requiring a password in your application. Cool setup, in your perception? This is the next episode of the Network Series. Just to recap, in the Network series, I demonstrate how to expose Rest APIs using Azure API Management. Private […]