Self-hosted agents / Terraform / Uncategorized

Azure DevOps self-hosted agent using Packer and VMSS

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You’ve probably encountered situations where a self-hosted agent is necessary, perhaps for security reasons. Azure Container Instances offer a quick and simple way to run these agents, but this method has limitations. For instance, you cannot build Docker images with it. In a production setting, this might not be suitable for all purposes. Additionally, regular cleaning of the agent is required to avoid issues from using the same instance repeatedly. […]

Api Management / App Service / Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / SQL

Deploy Azure App Service integrated with Azure SQL and APIM

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In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to deploy the .NET 7.0 Rest API with Managed Identity and integrate it with Azure SQL. As a result, you can access Azure SQL without requiring a password in your application. Cool setup, in your perception? This is the next episode of the Network Series. Just to recap, in the Network series, I demonstrate how to expose Rest APIs using Azure API Management. Private […]

Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / Terraform

Terraform destroy, should I care?

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Terraform destroy, should I care? Why do I need it? How can I create such a pipeline in Azure DevOps? So if you know the answer to the two first questions, you can move directly to my GitHub repo and download terraform destroy pipeline -> link. If you don’t know how to configure terraform pipeline in Azure DevOps check my previous article: The short answer to the first question, […]

Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / Terraform

Terraform deploy pipeline in Azure DevOps

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Terraform deploy pipeline in Azure DevOps for sure will be great for infrastructure creation and priceless if you need to define many environments. As always in my blog, if you know how to set up an azure pipeline for terraform but need sources, you can grab them from here! But if you want to learn how to do this, read the below article. So to configure Azure Pipeline for terraform […]