Self-hosted agents / Terraform / Uncategorized

Azure DevOps self-hosted agent using Packer and VMSS

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You’ve probably encountered situations where a self-hosted agent is necessary, perhaps for security reasons. Azure Container Instances offer a quick and simple way to run these agents, but this method has limitations. For instance, you cannot build Docker images with it. In a production setting, this might not be suitable for all purposes. Additionally, regular cleaning of the agent is required to avoid issues from using the same instance repeatedly. […]

Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / SQL / Uncategorized

Execute entity framework migration on a Linux

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Executing entity framework migration on a Linux agent can be tricky. You cannot run simple dotnet ef command, because it doesn’t work on the Linux machine. As always if you know what you are doing, you can go directly to the source, and download the pipeline here! Before running the pipeline set below variables: So, in order to execute Entity framework migration on Linux, you must create a bundled script. […]


Azure Way says Hello!

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Welcome to my technical blog Azure way, where you can find only practical knowledge, without any marketing staff. You can expect content about: If an article contains source code, they are linked at the beginning, the URL for my GitHub, so if you are not interested in the description, go to the sources directly ๐Ÿ™‚ GitHub URL: All DevOps pipelines are created in yml/yaml files, so you can easily […]