Azure DevOps / Azure pipelines / SQL / Uncategorized

Execute entity framework migration on a Linux

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Executing entity framework migration on a Linux agent can be tricky. You cannot run simple dotnet ef command, because it doesn’t work on the Linux machine. As always if you know what you are doing, you can go directly to the source, and download the pipeline here! Before running the pipeline set below variables: So, in order to execute Entity framework migration on Linux, you must create a bundled script. […]

Azure DevOps / Self-hosted agents

Self-hosted agent on Linux created in 3 minutes

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Self-hosted agent on Linux In some cases is necessary, for example, you need to integrate with VNET – because the resources you want to access are not publicly accessible. This can be a storage account, container registry, or many others. Using my instruction you build and run a self-hosted agent in 3 minutes. If you don’t want to read the full problem resolution, you can jump into GitHub for all […]