Azure Managed DevOps Pool (MDP) is Microsoft’s fully managed solution for hosting Azure DevOps build agents securely in your Azure Virtual Network. One of its most powerful features is, undoubtedly, the ability to schedule when agents are available in standby mode, allowing you to optimize both performance and cost. For a comprehensive explanation of Azure Managed DevOps Pool fundamentals, you can refer to my previous article: Azure Managed DevOps Pool – Terraform. In this guide, […]
Azure Managed DevOps Pool – Terraform
Azure Managed DevOps Pool is a new feature from Microsoft that provides a fully managed DevOps pool, eliminating the need for Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets for DevOps agents. With this solution, you can create an agent pool within your virtual network. At a similar price point, you gain significantly more functionality. One of the most appealing aspects is the ability to leverage Microsoft-hosted runner images, so you don’t have to build […]
Running Azure Functions in Container Apps with Terraform
Running Azure Functions in Container Apps with Terraform was released on May 24, 2024, and that allows you to run Azure Functions in Container Apps using Terraform. In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps to set up and deploy Azure Functions in Container Apps with Terraform. Additionally, for those new to Container Apps, I’ve included a brief overview of their benefits. Terraform script for Azure Function in Container […]
Azure DevOps self-hosted agent using prebuilt images
Azure DevOps self-hosted agent using prebuilt images is the second article in the series. The whole solution is based on GitHub Actions runner images, which you can find on GitHub. In this article, you will get information on how you can obtain prebuilt images for an Azure Virtual Machine or Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set. This means you can create an Azure DevOps agent with all the necessary tools in […]
Azure Event Grid Namespaces – Terraform setup
Azure Event Grid Namespaces – Terraform Setup is the second article in the series. I would like to show you how to use Terraform to create all the necessary components: Event Grid Namespace, Topic, and Subscription. A detailed description of the Azure Event Grid Namespace service can be found here. Azure Event Grid Namespaces – Terraform script As of April 12, 2024, the AzureRM provider does not support the creation […]
Azure DevOps self-hosted agent using Packer and VMSS
You’ve probably encountered situations where a self-hosted agent is necessary, perhaps for security reasons. Azure Container Instances offer a quick and simple way to run these agents, but this method has limitations. For instance, you cannot build Docker images with it. In a production setting, this might not be suitable for all purposes. Additionally, regular cleaning of the agent is required to avoid issues from using the same instance repeatedly. […]
Expert Summit 2023 – REST API with private API Management Access
I had the pleasure of delivering a presentation at the Expert Summit 2023 on a network-isolated REST API, made accessible through API Management. For those interested in the source code from the live coding session, it is available for you to explore. Have fun! Below, you can view the architecture that was developed during the live session: The recording of the session can be found here! I truly hope you […]
Azure Container Registry – cost optimization
Azure Container Registry – cost optimization can be straightforward once you’re familiar with the service’s capabilities. The key is implementing an effective scheduling system to reduce costs associated with storage usage. The solution involves configuring a clean-up task. Ready to learn how to set it up? Let’s dive in! Azure Container Registry – cost optimization – terraform Anticipate a guide on setting up clean-up tasks with a Terraform script. A […]
Azure Container Apps – service bus [part 6]
Azure Container Apps – service bus, works together like a perfect couple! Achieving integration is a breeze, and the impact on performance is truly remarkable. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to set up this integration and share the results of my performance tests. Rest assured, all the necessary resources are at your disposal. You can access the entire series on Azure Container Apps right here. If […]